
The Matthew Effect: What Is It and How Can You Avoid It In Your Classroom? – InformED

The only reason not to reward the best and brightest for their achievements is to avoid punishing the rest for their shortcomings. I remember being pulled out of class in the 5th grade to study Pre-Algebra with a group of kids in the Academically Gifted Program (later changed to Talented And Gifted) and thinking that […]

The Matthew Effect: What Is It and How Can You Avoid It In Your Classroom? – InformED Read More »

The Economic Imperative of Attracting Great Teachers

Great teachers have the ability to transform and enrich the lives and living standards of Americans. According to recent research, a student’s kindergarten teacher has long-lasting influence on important lifetime outcomes, such as future earnings. These effects are so important that the difference between having an above-average kindergarten teacher and a below-average kindergarten teacher could

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Using Technology to Personalize Learning and Assess Students in Real-Time | Brookings Institution

Imagine schools where students master vital skills and critical thinking in a personalized and collaborative manner, teachers assess pupils in real-time, and social media and digital libraries connect learners to a wide range of informational resources.  Teachers take on the role of coaches, students learn at their own pace, technology tracks student progress, and schools

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Jim Luce: New University to Rise in Haiti

The long-awaited post‐earthquake assessment of higher education institutions in the Port‐au‐Prince metropolitan area by the respected Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development (INURED) has been released. The report suggests there is great need for the creation of quality higher education institutions in Haiti. Consequently, I have agreed to found the International University of Haiti (IUH)

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