November 29, 2019
Categories: Restavek
Tags: fafo, money, rural, security
In Haiti, rural households struggle to raise money in comparison to urban families. Also, homes with girls often struggle more than those with boys to raise money. The situation grew worse when they were female Child Domestic Workers (CDW). Specifically, data shows that 53.8 percent of such households had no way to raise money. […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: Donors
Tags: accountability, money, nonprofit, transparency
In his post, Victor discussed the role ethics plays in evaluating a non-profit. The article he posted dealt with the importance of charitable organizations appearing accountable to their donors and the public at large, and then … Source: In his post, Victor discussed the role ethics plays in evaluating a non-profit. The article he posted […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: Donors, Education, Resources, United States
Tags: Bankruptcy, Bill Gates, ConnectEDU, money
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our grant money? Source: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our grant money? See on […]
February 5, 2011
Tags: corruption, Duvalier, money
The night before he was run out of office, Duvalier wrote $169,000 in three checks made out to cash, according to canceled checks presented by the Haitian Justice Ministry in a 1987 lawsuit in France. Read more:Haiti, no payback after Duvalier’s reign – Haiti –