October 30, 2019
Categories: Human Rights, Politics, Slavery, Sovereignty, United States
Tags: labor standards, wages
Objectively, paying Haitian workers less than US$0.50/hour has produced slums and squalor. The US foreign policy to promote US corporate interests as a matter of national security has undermined Haitian sovereignty and supported a culture of labor exploitation. The aftermath of these policies is also domestic servitude. Conveniently there is a narrative that wants to […]
June 30, 2017
Categories: Corruption, Judicial, NGOs, Politics, Resources, Restavek, Sovereignty, United Nations, United States
Tags: child labor, NGO, policy
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MAST) holds the responsibility of defining and executing the government’s social policy in Haiti while ensuring the safety of workers in both formal and informal sectors and by granting specific protection to the family, women and children. They play an important role in fighting against child domestic labour. […]
February 5, 2016
Categories: Elections, Haiti, Politics
Tags: elections, haiti, Politics
The fight for Haiti is on. Since Haitians scuttled the fraudulent elections and started to make their own plans, the foreign occupation has become desperate to concoct a pseudo-Haitian solution to … Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.globalresearch.ca Lie #2. Haiti’s parliament is reassembled and functional Jan 10, 2016 Miami Herald, “Martelly’s one-man rule comes to an end” Jan 11, 2016 Miami Herald, “Haiti parliament returns […]
February 2, 2016
Categories: Foreign Policy, Haiti, History, Politics, United States
Tags: foreign policy, haiti, history, United States
FRAPH and ‘Toto’ Constant Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.hartford-hwp.com FRAPH and Toto Constant, CIA, USAID, DOD, WH Contemporary political history of the Republic of Haiti
February 2, 2016
Categories: Politics
Tags: Malary
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.globalsecurity.org According to a 1993 CIA Intelligence Memorandum obtained by the Center for Constitutional Rights through the Freedom of Information Act, “FRAPH members Jodel Chamblain, Emmanuel Constant, and Gabriel Douzable met with an unidentified military officer on the morning of 14 October to discuss plans to kill Malary” See on […]