November 29, 2019
Categories: Restavek
Tags: fafo, money, rural, security
In Haiti, rural households struggle to raise money in comparison to urban families. Also, homes with girls often struggle more than those with boys to raise money. The situation grew worse when they were female Child Domestic Workers (CDW). Specifically, data shows that 53.8 percent of such households had no way to raise money. […]
April 27, 2016
Categories: Economy, Infrastructure, Poverty
Tags: IMF, land, migration, poverty, rural, World Bank
Poverty in Haiti: The country of Haiti has almost always been classified as the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, and has experienced a stagnation or even decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) since it achieved independence. Today, Haiti is run by a transitional government assisted by an international stabilization force to address the country’s manifold problems. One such is […]
November 9, 2013
Categories: E-learning, Infrastructure, Strategies
developed and flourishing countries and experiencing the miracles of technology in your everyday life, have you ever wondered if the impact and influence of technology is the same on under-developed or developing countries? If you still haven’t, then give it a thought now. Even today, there are several countries whose economies are not so financially […]