June 30, 2017
Categories: Corruption, Judicial, NGOs, Politics, Resources, Restavek, Sovereignty, United Nations, United States
Tags: child labor, NGO, policy
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MAST) holds the responsibility of defining and executing the government’s social policy in Haiti while ensuring the safety of workers in both formal and informal sectors and by granting specific protection to the family, women and children. They play an important role in fighting against child domestic labour. […]
April 29, 2017
Categories: Economy, Poverty, Recipients
Tags: child labor, economy, income, poverty
On account of various factors relating to the socio-economic conditions that were prevalent, child labor became a part of the everyday life of children in Haiti. Haiti’s population in 2011 was over 9.7 million and nearly 80% of the population in lived below the poverty line. The earthquake of 2010 also caused great losses leading […]
February 23, 2016
Categories: Restavek
Tags: child labor
The term restavèk comes from the French and Creole meaning “to stay with.” Restavèks are generally children of poor rural families who are sent to stay with and work as unpaid domestic servants for less poor, urban families. Parents send a child away with the hope that in return for the child’s labor, the host […]