February 2, 2016
Categories: Foreign Policy, Haiti, History, Politics, United States
Tags: foreign policy, haiti, history, United States
FRAPH and ‘Toto’ Constant Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.hartford-hwp.com FRAPH and Toto Constant, CIA, USAID, DOD, WH Contemporary political history of the Republic of Haiti
August 7, 2015
Categories: History, United States
Tags: history, rebellion, resistance, sovereignty, United States
This year marks the 100 years since the beginning of the 19-year occupation of Haiti, and the Haitian struggle against U.S. rule. Sourced through Scoop.it from: socialistworker.org The occupation confronted powerful resistance from the peasantry, who organized into rebel armies known as cacos. According to mythology they were named after a fiery red bird, […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: United States
Tags: history, United States
Greg Dunkel, Haitian History: What U.S. textbooks don’t tell Source: www.hartford-hwp.com By Greg Dunkel, Haiti Progres, This Week in Haiti, Vol.21 no.27, 17–23 September 2003 Publisher’s note: This document combines the two parts of the original publication. The second part appeared in Haiti Progres, Vol.21 no.26, 24 September 2003. Looking at how Haiti’s history is […]