October 31, 2019
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, Infrastructure, Poverty, Restavek
Tags: fafo, housing, sanitation, stats
Researchers have determined the following: 60.3 percent of child domestic workers live in rural areas, 39.7 percent of child domestic workers live in urban areas. 62 percent of all respondents said was that Restavek homes are Kay bas. Notably, this was the most common answer. Specifically, Kay bas implies a concrete home with a […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: Infrastructure
Tags: global water supply, sanitation
This infographic illustrates the global issues surrounding the lack of sanitation and water supply around the world This infographic illustrates the global issues surrounding the lack of sanitation and water supply around the world See on Scoop.it – Teaching and testing
July 13, 2012
Categories: Water
Tags: sanitation
WHO | Operation and maintenance of rural water supply and sanitation systems: A training package for managers and planners. A training package for managers and planners This document and the training activities described in it are intended for managers and planners who are concerned with the challenging problem of how to implement effective operation and […]