November 8, 2019
Categories: Restavek
There is a large difference in the household wealth of homes based on the gender of its domestic workers. Generally, there are two main dimensions. Particularly, these are the wealth of the household and its location. Overall, girl domestic workers are generally placed in wealthier households. The accompanying graph highlights the wealth of households with […]
October 31, 2019
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, Infrastructure, Poverty, Restavek
Tags: fafo, housing, sanitation, stats
Researchers have determined the following: 60.3 percent of child domestic workers live in rural areas, 39.7 percent of child domestic workers live in urban areas. 62 percent of all respondents said was that Restavek homes are Kay bas. Notably, this was the most common answer. Specifically, Kay bas implies a concrete home with a […]