January 26, 2016
Categories: Elections, Politics
Tags: 2015 elections, candidates, Democracy, elections, Martelly
With the presidential runoff thankfully put off indefinitely, what’s needed is a transitional government leading to fair elections. Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.nytimes.com But the conditions that permit such elections do not exist in Haiti now, and are not going to suddenly emerge in the next two weeks. They have not been nurtured for the […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: Politics
Tags: demonstration, Martelly, Protest, videos
Demonstrators take to the streets of Port-au-Prince to demand Haitian President Michel Martelly leave office. Rough Cut (no reporter narration). Source: www.nytimes.com Demonstrators take to the streets of Port-au-Prince to demand Haitian President Michel Martelly leave office. Rough Cut (no reporter narration). See on Scoop.it – Haiti – History
March 11, 2015
Categories: Elections
Tags: elections, Martelly, videos
Demonstrators take to the streets of Port-au-Prince to demand Haitian President Michel Martelly leave office. Rough Cut (no reporter narration). Source: www.nytimes.com Demonstrators take to the streets of Port-au-Prince to demand Haitian President Michel Martelly leave office. See on Ayiti Now Corp
December 13, 2010
Categories: Elections, Haiti, Politics
Tags: elections, haiti, Martelly, NYTimes, Politics
\ PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Michel Martelly, the presidential candidate whose partisans have fiercely protested election results they consider rigged, said in an interview on Friday that he had rejected an offer to participate in a runoff election as a third candidate. “This would be like fraud to be in a second round by invitation,” he […]
December 13, 2010
Categories: Elections, Medicine and Health, United Nations
Tags: 2010 elections, cholera, election riots, Martelly, Sarah Palin
Haiti erupts in riots as supporters of Michel Martelly protest: Outbreak of gunfire in Port-au-Prince follows disputed election results that push presidential candidate Martelly into third place. Gunfire in the centre of Port-au-Prince has left at least one person dead as violent disputes over the conduct of the presidential election continue to grip Haiti. Election officials […]