October 26, 2020
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, History, Human Rights, Restavek
Tags: foreign policy, human rights, imperialism, Restavek, United States
According to a study done by the CDC, about 15% of the population of 13-24-year-olds in Haiti are Restaveks. They are children living in domestic servitude, working for long hours every day to perform housework for their host families. They are often neglected and abused in their communities. To understand why the Restavek system thrives […]
February 2, 2016
Categories: Economy, United States
Tags: imperialism
The U.S. had an interest in beating a hasty retreat and letting the situation deteriorate. In so doing, it strengthened its position in relation to the other friends (France, Canada, Venezuela, Argentina), and weakened Haiti’s economy as well as political power, creating the conditions necessary to justify a U.S.-led military invasion and U.S.-dominated restoration of […]
May 21, 2015
Tags: france, Hollande, imperialism, reparations
It was to cries of “Long Live Dessalines, Down with Hollande!” that Haitian protesters welcomed French President François Hollande during his visit to Haiti on May 12, the last stop of several he made in the Caribbean over the past week. #haiti #imperialism Source: www.liberationnews.org Presidents Hollande and Martelly obfuscate France’s debt to Haiti See […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: Slavery
Tags: imperialism, slavery
Haïti : Mentalité d’esclave et régime politico-économique Source: www.alterpresse.org Haïti : Mentalité d’esclave et régime politico-économique See on Scoop.it – Restavek
February 13, 2015
Categories: Elections
Tags: brazil, cholera, corruption, imperialism, occupation, United States
Port-au-Prince’s hilltop slum of Fort National offers a perfect example of the irony, agony, and struggle that grip Haiti today. Its rocky moonscape is littered with piles of dirt, debris, and garb… Every week, another delegation of officials from North America or Europe arrives to bring their support to the embattled Martelly regime. At […]