April 11, 2013
Categories: Policies For Teachers, Recipients, Report On Education, Strategies, Teachers, Teachers Evaluation
MET Project :: Welcome. How can effective teaching beidentified and developed? The Measures of Effective Teachingproject aimed to find out. Two-thirds of American teachers feel that traditional evaluations don’t accurately capture the full picture of what they do in the classroom. They want information that they can trust from measures that are fair and reliable. […]
February 2, 2013
Categories: Policies For Teachers, Strategies, Teachers
Class Size Tradeoffs in the Court of Public Opinion | Brookings Institution. Budget cuts have caused increases in class size in states across the nation in recent years. Between 2009 and 2010, the pupil-teacher ratio in the U.S. increasedby more than half a student for the first time since the Great Depression. The nationwide increase […]
November 11, 2012
Categories: Teachers
Mr Edmond Teaches – YouTube. Small excerpt of the charismatic and dedicated Mr. Edmond teaching his 6th grade classroom at AEMSA, a primary school in Saint Marc, Haiti where Ayiti Now Corp delivers school books and teacher training.
November 4, 2012
Categories: Report On Education, Strategies, Teachers
In this talk Christopher Emdin talks about the true meaning and role of “peace”, “justice”, “equity” and “equality” in the classroom by talking about Reality Pedagogy. The full title of his talk is: Reality Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, Truth, and Distortions Christopher Emdin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology at […]