September 2, 2019
Categories: Teachers, Teachers Evaluation
Tags: attendance, salesforce
The School Manager App (SMA) is designed to work on any device and in areas with low internet connectivity. The objective of the Attendance module is to enable the teacher to quickly log the students. The Attendance data is available in real-time to remote administrators and displayed on our website. The SMA has been developed […]
September 2, 2019
Categories: Education, Teachers Evaluation, Technology
Tags: grading, salesforce
The school manager’s grade module is a lightweight, reliable way to track each student’s academic performance. By selecting one of the five subjects used for the GPA calculation by the Ministry of Education and entering the score for the term, the app generates GPAs and reports.
September 3, 2016
Categories: Report On Education, Strategies, Teachers Evaluation
The Measures of Effective Teaching Project (MET) is a research collaborative of academicians, teachers, and education organizations committed to investigating better ways to identify and produce effective teaching. The complete funding for this endeavor is provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Nearly 3,000 teachers from across various states of America had volunteered to […]
November 6, 2015
Categories: Strategies, Teachers, Teachers Evaluation
Theories of Learning Almost everything you need to know about behaviorism, constructivism and Connectivism.
May 15, 2015
Categories: Teachers Evaluation
Thomas Kane writes that education reform requires a massive (and difficult) change in adult behavior and, like any adult behavior change, requires feedback to succeed. Thus, he argues, Common Core implementation cannot succeed without an aligned system of teacher evaluation and feedback. Source: better teacher evaluation systems will be vital for any broad reform […]