July 21, 2023
Categories: Access, Education, Pedagogy
However, there are also opportunities for Haiti to use the metaverse for education, such as providing access to world-class teachers and resources, creating more immersive and interactive learning experiences, and making content more relevant to the culture of children in extreme poverty. By addressing these challenges, the metaverse could be a powerful tool to help children in extreme poverty in Haiti get a better education.
June 13, 2023
Categories: Education, Pedagogy
Tags: education, pedagogy, Restavek
Here are the top 21st century skills for elementary school, along with a brief explanation of each: Critical thinking The ability to think clearly and rationally about a problem or issue, in order to form a judgment. Creativity The ability to generate new ideas or concepts, or to see things in a new or different […]
April 16, 2016
Categories: Pedagogy, Policies For Teachers
Tags: classroom, nutrition, poverty, teachers
Poverty is a word that is saturated with a great amount of uneasiness. What does it mean for a child to be in poverty and how does that relate to their education? We understand that labels such as “middle class” does not offer much insight into who a person is & the same is applicable […]
February 19, 2016
Categories: E-learning, Pedagogy, Strategies, Teachers
The Padagogy Wheel – It’s Not About The Apps, It’s About The Pedagogy by Allan Carrington, TeachThought PD Workshop Specialist *Visit TeachThought Professional Development if you’re interested in our workshop options on the Padagogy Wheel. The Padagogy Wheel is designed to help educators think – systematically, coherently, and with a view to long term, big-picture outcomes – […]
January 20, 2016
Categories: Pedagogy
Tags: African Americans, corporal punishment, primary education
As we approach the annual celebration of Dr. King’s life, it is worth examining the difference in how our schools discipline black and white children, Dick Startz writes. Startz finds that in U.S. public schools, black children are twice as likely as white children to be subject to corporal punishment. Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.brookings.edu […]