February 3, 2016
Categories: Solar, Technology
Tags: clean technology, green energy, solar, Technology
Learn how breakthroughs in clean technology can take us to new heights with the explorers who broke the record for the world’s longest solo flight using only solar energy. As it happened 06:40 UTC Welcome to day 4 Good morning, and welcome to the fourth and final day of our Annual Meeting in As it […]
October 17, 2014
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, E-learning, Education, Lessons, Missions, Technology
Tags: academic, education, Google, Technology
Source: www.educatorstechnology.com After we have learned how to effectively search Google Scholar and how to sift through its search results, today’s resource features 7 important tips on how to easily find and access academic and scholarly articles. See on Scoop.it – Teaching and testing
February 23, 2014
Categories: Education, Resources, Strategies, Technology
Tags: resources, schools, Technology
Last September (2013) I started my new role as Assistant Principal at Surbiton High School. My brief is the school’s digital strategy. Now, I’m not the first to be appointed to lead a school’s digital strategy – there have been Directors of E-Learning or Directors of ICT elsewhere for some years, but I am one […]
December 28, 2013
Categories: E-learning
Tags: education, Technology
What’s the future of education technology? Venturing an educated guess is Larry Cuban, a high school social studies teacher for 14 years and a district superintendent (seven years in Arlington, VA), is professor emeritus of education at Stanford University, where he has taught for more than 20 years. His latest book is “Inside the Black […]
December 1, 2013
Categories: Competitiveness, E-learning, Report On Education, Sovereignty
Tags: Technology
See on Scoop.it – Illiteracy The Haitian Prime Minister, introduced by Sean Penn, speaks on the role of technology in rebuilding Haiti since the 2010 earthquake. Alex Lizzappi‘s insight: The Haitian Prime Minister, introduced by Sean Penn, speaks on the role of technology in rebuilding Haiti since the 2010 earthquake. See on www.youtube.com