May 16, 2017
Categories: Recipients, Restavek
Tags: Restavek
A restavek denotes a child domestic worker who performs household tasks like carrying water, washing, cleaning and in some cases also performs services for other household members such as petty trade, running errands, etc. Unlike most children who perform non-domestic work, the children performing domestic work are distinguished by the following three factors:They usually live […]
April 16, 2017
Categories: Restavek
A Restavek is an unpaid child worker away from parents’ home and enduring abuse.
February 16, 2017
Categories: Recipients, Restavek
Tags: Restavek
Overview: Haiti’s Restavèk Phenomenon By: Megan Ward Following the 2010 earthquake, thousands of individuals in Haiti were displaced from their homes and families. According to anecdotal evidence many of these individuals were children who would have nowhere to turn but to fall into the Haitian restavèk population. The restavèk phenomenon is composed of unpaid children […]
December 21, 2016
Tags: human rights, Restavek
One of the hallmarks of advancing societies is the ability to evolve as new insights are made. Although the fleshing out of this might look differently for each culture, one trademark that seems to be an essential underpinning to success is, the respect for preserving basic human rights for all their citizens. When societies do […]
November 23, 2016
Categories: NGOs, Policies For Teachers, United States
Tags: awareness, human rights, Restavek
As many people know, Haiti has a plethora of issues to contend with. From poverty to rebuilding the country in the wake of 2010’s devastating earthquake, there is no shortage of problems needing to be solved. But perhaps one of the most concerning issues is the violation of human rights of Haitian people, particularly for […]