December 19, 2018
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp
Tags: Data, fafo, Restavek, Team, Visualizations
Haiti Now is a data-driven organization. We use data as critical evidence to help inform and influence our strategy and also to help formulate solutions for the Restavek problem. The Data Team at Haiti Now came into existence about a year ago. It started with the goal of learning more about the Restavek situation from […]
December 19, 2018
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp
Tags: Data, fafo, geography, location, Restavek, Team, Visualizations
In Haiti, many rural families living in poverty will often send their children to work for and live with host families as domestic servants in exchange for better access to food, housing, and education. The host families, however, rarely hold up their end of the bargain. Instead, the children are exploited for their labor, working […]