May 15, 2015
Categories: United States
Tags: history, United States
Greg Dunkel, Haitian History: What U.S. textbooks don’t tell Source: By Greg Dunkel, Haiti Progres, This Week in Haiti, Vol.21 no.27, 17–23 September 2003 Publisher’s note: This document combines the two parts of the original publication. The second part appeared in Haiti Progres, Vol.21 no.26, 24 September 2003. Looking at how Haiti’s history is […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: United States
Source: US Education secretary visits Haiti classrooms See on – Haiti – History
May 15, 2015
Categories: Foreign Policy, History, United States
Tags: policing, program, sovereignty, United States
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The U.S. State Department has begun a community policing program in Haiti that aims to strengthen ties between officers and the neighbourhoods they patrol in a country where police are largely mistrusted. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The U.S. State Department has begun a community policing program in Haiti that aims to strengthen ties […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: History, United States
Tags: FDR, occupation, United States
Source: In Haiti a worse situation faced us. That Republic was in chronic trouble, and it as it is close to Cuba the bad influence was felt across the water. article by Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1928. “Our Foreign Policy: A Democratic View.” In general this article is defending the U.S. from an attack […]
May 15, 2015
Categories: History, United States
Tags: Franklyn Roosevelt, occupation, sovereignty, United States
Source: ROOSEVELT’S PLAN FOR LEAVING A very short overview of the central plans of Roosevelt and other U.S. Presidents From: ROOSEVELT’S GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY By Edward O. Guerrant Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1959 Pages 9-10 HAITI (1934) The United States intervened with armed force in Haiti in 1915 to restore order […]