January 31, 2014
Categories: Pedagogy
Tags: learning by building
The culmination of my quest for more powerful learning grounded in theory and research came when recently I conducted an experiment in pushing constructionism into the digital age. Constructionism is based on two types of construction. First, it asserts that learning is an active process, in which people actively construct knowledge from their experience […]
December 4, 2013
Categories: Pedagogy, Report On Education, Strategies
See on Scoop.it – Teaching and testing Stateline has published a brief but very helpful summary of the controversial dimensions of the Common Core State Standards, often at the heart of the current debates around education reform. Alex Lizzappi‘s insight: Although not imposed by the federal government, the Common Core was made virtually essential […]
July 17, 2013
Categories: Pedagogy, Technology
For as long as I can remember I have been an advocate for helping teachers understand the stages of technology integration to help them effectively use tech as a tool for learning. I’ve adopted a few different tech integration models over the years, discussed the ideas with administrators for use as a starting point for tech […]
July 17, 2013
Categories: Pedagogy, Strategies
The influence of parental involvement on a student’s academic success should not be underestimated. While brain power, work ethic, and even genetics all play important roles in student achievement, the determining factor comes down to what kind of support system she has at home. Students with two parents operating in supportive roles are 52% more […]
July 17, 2013
Categories: Pedagogy
Alex Lizzappi‘s insight: ForAllRubrics – Super Powered Rubrics #Education #Haiti @haitinoworg https://https://www.haiti-now.org/blog/ See on www.forallrubrics.com