September 2, 2019
Categories: Education, Teachers Evaluation, Technology
Tags: grading, salesforce
The school manager’s grade module is a lightweight, reliable way to track each student’s academic performance. By selecting one of the five subjects used for the GPA calculation by the Ministry of Education and entering the score for the term, the app generates GPAs and reports.
January 27, 2019
Categories: Access, Education, Restavek
Tags: education, Restavek, survey
This is the latest installment of this blog highlighting the conditions of Child Domestic Workers in Haiti. In Haiti, many poor rural families hoping to provide a better future for their children send them to live as domestic servants in the homes of urban / semi-urban families. The majority of these children are girls and are […]
December 19, 2018
Categories: Access, Ayiti Now Corp, Books, Education, Poverty, Recipients
Tags: girls, Restavek, schools, waf jeremie
This is the latest installment of this blog highlighting the conditions of Child Domestic Workers in Haiti. In Haiti, many poor rural families hoping to provide a better future for their children send them to live as domestic servants in the homes of urban / semi-urban families. The majority of these children are girls and are […]
January 10, 2018
Categories: Competitiveness, Economy, Education, France, Haiti, Poverty, Report On Education, Teachers, United States
Tags: gdp, World Bank