April 12, 2014
Categories: E-learning
Tags: eLearning, free resources, text to speech
Would you like to relax your students’ tired eyes? What if you could convert any written text into spoken words? What about running a PowerPoint presentation and also have a narration of the text on your slides? Would you be interested in a list of 14 free text to speech tools? Free Text To Speech […]
April 12, 2014
Categories: E-learning
Tags: eLearning, free resources
Technology Would you be interested in the ultimate list of free tools for teachers? At the following post you will find 321 Free Tools for Teachers separated in 18 educational technology categories. Enjoy! Free Educational Technology for Teachers Do you support Free Technology for Teachers? If Yes, I highly encourage you to share this Free Educational Technology […]
April 12, 2014
Categories: E-learning, Pedagogy
Tags: eLearning, intelligence, teaching
n this article, I will talk about the different ways in which Multiple Intelligences Theory can be implemented in eLearning to help the learner effectively acquire, retain, and utilize the information being provided within the eLearning course. The Multiple Intelligences Theory was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner in 1983. Dr. Gardner, a noted psychologist and […]
April 12, 2014
Categories: E-learning
Tags: eLearning, eLearning industry
In this post, I will share the top 10 e-Learning tips that can help you to effectively transfer knowledge in learning settings, instead of merely providing instruction. As an eLearning professional, your job is not to just to provide your learners with the information they will need to pass your eLearning course quiz or meet […]
February 26, 2014
Categories: E-learning, Education, Lessons
Tags: eBooks, Gamification, learning, program
\ Introduction BY CHRISTOPHER PAPPAS No Game, No Gain! Dedicated Learning Professionals and Educators across the globe were until recently desperately seeking for ways, methods and techniques to engage employees and students in the learning process. Surprisingly enough no one would think that gameswas the answer. After all, games tend to increase learners’ natural desire […]