Child Labour in Haiti – What is the Government doing about it?

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MAST) holds the responsibility of defining and executing the government’s social policy in Haiti while ensuring the safety of workers in both formal and informal sectors and by granting specific protection to the family, women and children. They play an important role in fighting against child domestic labour. […]

Child Labour in Haiti – What is the Government doing about it? Read More »

The Role of Elite Haitian and Latin American Lobbyist Organizations in Washington D.C.

NGO’s not-so-charitable: The Role of Elite Haitian and Latin American Lobbyist Organizations in Washington D.C. While thousands of non-governmental organizations have been set up to combat the problems in Haiti, some are said to be cashing-in on the country’s misfortune. The island is home to more NGOs per capita than any other country in

The Role of Elite Haitian and Latin American Lobbyist Organizations in Washington D.C. Read More »