
FRAPH at the urging of the Defense Intelligence Agency

FRAPH at the urging of the Defense Intelligence Agency

During the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign, candidate Bill Clinton had promised to restore democracy to Haiti if elected. Inaugurated in 1993, the administration had to deal with a continuing refugee problem in Florida. Condemning FRAPH and the military regime as nothing more than “armed thugs,” the administration cooperated with a multinational force and dispatched 15,000 […]

FRAPH at the urging of the Defense Intelligence Agency Read More »

Clinton says our generosity helped Arkansas farmers while hurting the Haitian people.

Bill Clinton, in what has to be one of the most redemptive moments in international politics I’ve ever seen, publicly renounced American international food aid policies and apologized for the way in which his own tarrifs and relief strategies in Haiti effectively increased poverty and sapped the dignity of the poor.  He says, ““It was

Clinton says our generosity helped Arkansas farmers while hurting the Haitian people. Read More »