Ayiti Now Corp is energized about the upcoming trip and working feverishly to get everything in order. We are anxious to deliver our goods & services to the orphaned children and restavek we are targeting on this mission and can’t wait to share stories, laughs and precious moments with them
1. Provide vaccinations
Partners in Health has graciously agreed to vaccinate 20 children living at the targeted orphanage FOR FREE! Ayiti Now Corp will transport the children to the clinic and supervise the process. We have also prepared medical charts for each child to establish a long term health care program consisting of detailed medical history for the benefit of each child. Ayiti Now Corp will provide the children’s guardian with a copy of the chart, including vaccination history, in English and in French. Through generous donations, Ayiti Now Corp has acquired medical supplies that we have organized and packaged and will be delivered to the clinic.
2. Meet with the Montessori organization
Montessori is a method of educating children that stresses the development of a child’s own initiative and natural abilities, especially through practical play. The Peter Hesse Foundation funds a training program in Haiti to certify teachers in the Montessori method as well as encourage them to open their own schools. Ayiti Now Corp strongly believes in supporting Haitians to be personally responsible and actively engaged in their communities. For this reason, we will be exploring the option of supporting one of these trained individuals as they strive to open and operate their own school.
3. Purchase and deliver school textbooks & workbooks
Ayiti Now Corp has obtained the nationally recognized catalog of educational materials for the public school system in Haiti. We will be purchasing textbooks directly from the publisher in Port au Prince and delivering the appropriate materials to our targeted orphanage that provides schooling and teachers for the children and restavek., but who are severely ill equipped.
4. Deliver toiletries, first aid & school supplies
Again, through very generous donations, Ayiti Now Corp has acquired toys, clothes, toiletries, first aid supplies and school supplies. We have organized and packaged these items and will be delivering the goods directly to the targeted orphanage. Apparently, they also enjoy lollipops so we’re taking a big bag and are expecting a huge sugar rush! (Some are still holding out for a healthier alternative)
5. Donate children’s books to Li!Li!Li!
LiLiLi is a free reading out-loud program in Creole for Haiti’s displaced children. The program encourages literacy, encourages parents to read with their children, reinforces Creole, contributes to job creation and addresses children’s trauma and anxiety in the aftermath of the earthquake. Ayiti Now Corp is working with LiLiLi so that we can donate Creole children’s books and other items on their wish list, purchased here in Miami.
6. Meet with Italian journalist Alice Speri
Alice Speri has spent the last month in Haiti documenting and writing about several current issues including agriculture, evictions from campsites, children’s issues and the Haiti Reconstruction Committee co-chaired by Bill Clinton.We have invited Ms. Speri to join us on our vaccination mission this trip and she has agreed to share with us her experiences and any contacts that will further enable Ayiti Now Corp’s cause.
It is hard to hear (and even harder to accept) but cash donations are the most effective way to help Ayiti Now Corp’s efforts in Haiti. Cash allows us to purchase the exact type and quantity of items needed without having to pay the astronomical costs associated with transporting physical donations to Haiti. Cash donations also support Haiti’s local economy and strengthen their community. 100% of cash donations go directly to aid & relief efforts or in support of other organizations. All travel and related expenses are privately being funded by the members of Ayiti Now Corp. See the section “In Kind Aid” to arrange pickup of select items.