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A catastrophic earthquake pummeled the island nation of Haiti in January, 2010, destroying more than 250,000 residences and 30,000 commercial buildings. The people of Haiti have experienced unfathomable hardship and yet, their spirit to rebuild their nation to be even better has inspired the entire world. At the center of these efforts is Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe and his Administration’s efforts to rebuild the country. Join us to hear the Prime Minister discuss his Administration’s efforts to transform how government operates Join us to hear the Prime Minister discuss his administration’s efforts to transform how government operates with special guest speaker Sean Penn, Founder, CEO and chairman of the board of J/P Haitian Relief Organization. Accenture is generously providing technical assistance to the Haitian government and will also participate in the session. In addition to discussing progress to date, opportunities for those interested in giving what they can, whether it?s monetarily or in time, will also be discussed.