FastFig | The Word Processor for Math

FastFig is The Word Processor for Math. We make it easy to type and solve math, physics and engineering problems.

Math Simplified.

With FastFig you can quickly edit and solve everything from arithmetic to calculus. Type and share interactive math documents online and with mobile devices. Keystrokes instantly become math symbols.

Rich Documents.

Add graphs, videos, and pictures to illustrate your work. Perfect for worksheets, homework, and reports.

Share Effortlessly.

Sharing is as simple as sending a link. Plus, you can embed FastFig documents in your website or blog.

FastFig runs in the browser – on any internet connected device.

From Laptops to Chrome Books, iPads to iPhones FastFig works seamlessly.

We keep documents safe and secure in the cloud. No lost work, no being tied to a device.

Best of all… this lets us offer FastFig for free!

Click Here to Learn More
The FastFig Family – Solutions for Math on the Web:

FigChat is the choice for
online math, science, and engineering instant-messaging.


FigPad is designed for online testing. Capture all student work for later grading while ensuring academic integrity