July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
Christophe : King Of Haiti : A Biography Hardcover – 1967
July 27, 2017
Francisco de Miranda et Alexandre Pétion: L'expédition de Miranda: le premier effort de libération hispano-américaine, le premier vagissement du panaméricanisme
July 27, 2017
n October 2010, nine months after the massive earthquake that devastated Haiti, a second disaster began to unfold―soon to become the world's largest cholera epidemic in modern times. In a country that had never before reported cholera, the epidemic mysteriously and simultaneously appeared in river communities of central Haiti, eventually triggering nearly 800,000 cases and 9,000 deaths. What had caused the first cases of cholera in Haiti in recorded history? Who or what was the deadly agent of origin?
July 27, 2017
A cataclysmic earthquake, revolution, corruption, and neglect have all conspired to strangle the growth of a legitimate legal system in Haiti. But as How Human Rights Can Build Haiti demonstrates, the story of lawyers-activists on the ground should give us all hope. They organize demonstrations at the street level, argue court cases at the international level, and conduct social media and lobbying campaigns across the globe.
July 27, 2017
An account of a long, painful, ecstatic—& unreciprocated—affair with a country that has long fascinated the world. The Rainy Season, Amy Wilentz’s award-winning 1989 portrait of Haiti after the fall of Jean-Claude Duvalier, was praised in the NY Times Book Review as “a remarkable account of a journalist’s transformation by her subject.”