November 24, 2010
Categories: Infrastructure, Medicine and Health, Natural Disaster, NGOs
Tags: cholera, rebuilding
Samuel A. Worthington: Rebuilding Haiti in the Time of Cholera: “International NGOs are working flat out to try and contain the cholera outbreak in Haiti, which by November 22 has killed at least 1,344 people and threatens hundreds of thousands more already traumatized by January’s devastating earthquake. The epidemic adds yet another layer of misery […]
November 24, 2010
Categories: Medicine and Health, Natural Disaster, NGOs
Haiti: As violence obstructs cholera efforts, PAHO calls on population to support relief and medical workers: “Date: 18 Nov 2010 Source: Pan American Health Organization”
November 24, 2010
Categories: Infrastructure, Medicine and Health, Natural Disaster
Tags: cholera
(Port au Prince, 20 November 2010): The response to last week’s UN-led appeal for 164 million USD to fight cholera has so far been insufficient for an adequate response to the epidemic, the Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti said today.”While we are very grateful for the contributions received so far, both cash and in-kind, so far […]
November 24, 2010
Categories: Access, Infrastructure
Tags: education and poverty, infrastructure
Caroline Begein, 15, center, prayed with other students at the nonpublic Collège Classique Féminin in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. CreditMichael Appleton for The New York Times PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — In mid-October, when fresh-faced girls in starched uniforms skipped through the gates of the Collège Classique Féminin to start the first post-earthquake school year, their desire to seek […]
November 24, 2010
Categories: Medicine and Health
Tags: international aid, Uncategorized
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Reuters) — The international response to Haiti’s deadly cholera epidemic is “inadequate” and woefully short of funding, aid groups, including the humanitarian agency of the United Nations, which is leading the response, said on Friday. “There is no time left for meetings and debate — the time for action is now,” said Stefano Zannini, […]