August 3, 2019
Categories: Medicine and Health, Restavek
Around 20 percent of children, both child domestic workers (CDW) or Restaveks and non-CDWs, who were part of the survey said they slept in a bed without a mattress. The chances of a non-CDW,however, sleeping in a bed with a mattress was slightly higher. About 21.7 percent of CDWs slept on a mat as compared […]
July 17, 2019
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, Restavek
Tags: corporal punishment, fafo, stats
Over 60 percent of these child domestic workers are punished sometimes while living with the host family. Under 10 percent are punished often while living with the host family. Such punishment is usually in the form of spanking, being forced to stand on knees with over 58 percent being hit with an object. While around […]