November 2, 2015
Categories: E-learning, Lessons, Strategies
Tags: philosophy, videos Most people recognize Confucius name and know that he is famous for having said something, but considering the long-lasting impact his teachings have had on the world, very few people know who Confucius really was, what he really said… and why. See on – Teaching and testing
May 15, 2015
Categories: Strategies
Tags: testing
Last September I started a new role as Assistant Principal at Surbiton High School. My brief is the school’s digital strategy. Now, I’m Source: Last September I started a new role as Assistant Principal at Surbiton High School. My brief is the school’s digital strategy. Now, I’m See on – Teaching and testing
May 15, 2015
Categories: Strategies, Technology
Tags: ICT
Problem-solving is one of the most vital and basic skill which is required by every one of us in the 21stcentury. We feel the need of this skill quite frequently in our daily lives, and especially children should develop it at quite a young age to cope up with problems in education as well as […]
January 30, 2015
Categories: Resources, Strategies
Tags: education, infographics, resources
Most of us turn to the internet when we are looking for resources to use for a presentation, report or article. The internet holds the key to so many robust resources. Yet how many of these resources can you legally use for free? How many of them can you adapt? That’s where Open Educational Resources […]
January 29, 2015
Categories: Resources, Strategies
Tags: education resources, grammar, language
Everyone can struggle with English grammar’s complexities; these apps can improve your knowledge whatever your level of proficiency. I’M going to be very careful writing this week’s column. I’m trying not to make any grammatical mistakes. FROM OUR ADVERTISERS Even though I’ve published millions of words, I’m certain some errors will slip through because we’re […]