July 27, 2019
Categories: Medicine and Health, Recipients, Restavek
Tags: fafo, Visualizations
In Haiti, many poor rural families hoping to provide a better future for their children send them to live as domestic servants in the homes of urban / semi-urban families. These children, mostly girls, are extremely vulnerable to emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. These children are known as Restavek. Data shows that the most common […]
July 17, 2019
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, Restavek
Tags: corporal punishment, fafo, stats
Over 60 percent of these child domestic workers are punished sometimes while living with the host family. Under 10 percent are punished often while living with the host family. Such punishment is usually in the form of spanking, being forced to stand on knees with over 58 percent being hit with an object. While around […]
June 29, 2019
Categories: Recipients, Restavek
According to research in Haiti, most parents do not want their children to leave them and live with some other family. A total of 2,078 families were interviewed, out of which 264 families gave reasons like their child being too young, having no proper understanding of the process and the host families not being able […]
June 28, 2019
Categories: Culture, Poverty, Restavek
This is the latest installment of this blog highlighting the conditions of Child Domestic Workers in Haiti. In Haiti, many poor rural families hoping to provide a better future for their children send them to live as domestic servants in the homes of urban / semi-urban families. The majority of these children are girls and are […]
June 17, 2019
Categories: Recipients, Restavek
Tags: age groups
Restavek girls are extremely vulnerable to emotional physical, and sexual abuse. Research in Haiti has identified that the majority of domestic servants join their host families between the ages of 5 and 14. As highlighted in the bar chart above, Some Child Domestic Workers begin work at an even younger age. Since many children in […]