March 3, 2016
Categories: Restavek
Tags: law, Restavek, trafficking
The Restavek practice originally involved the transfer of the child from one family to another. However, the restavèk system is more accurately characterized as trafficking and now often involves middlemen recruiters, or koutchye, who are paid to find a restavèk for host families. This system of trafficking often results in the complete loss of contact […]
March 1, 2016
Categories: Restavek
For the most part, restavèk are found in middle to lower middle class homes, as well as the poorest slums of Port-au-Prince. The lack of local water infrastructure and overall lack of public services such as electricity in poor neighborhoods creates high demand for domestic workers to fetch water each day, and provide other […]
February 26, 2016
Categories: Restavek
Restavek System This Restavek system started out with poor families placing their children in the houses of wealthier urban families, often relatives, to gain access to education and other social services. However, it has deteriorated into a system of slavery in which poor children are trafficked to serve as unpaid domestic laborers in poor urban […]
February 25, 2016
Categories: Restavek
Tags: law, parents, Restavek, schools
The #biological #parents are #promised that their #child will be treated #well and sent to #school; #unfortunately, in the #overwhelming #majority of #cases these are #false promises. #Restavèk #children instead live a #life of #hardship and #work. These #children, #constantly occupied with #work, seldom, if ever, attend school. This #denial of the #right to #education […]
February 23, 2016
Categories: Restavek
Tags: human rights, law
In accordance with these international conventions, Article 335 of the Haitian labor code prohibits the employment of minors below the age of fifteen. Furthermore, an Act passed in June 2003 specifically outlawed the placement of children into restavèk service and the abuse and maltreatment of children generally. Haiti is party to the Universal […]