July 17, 2013
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, Education, Missions, Strategies, Teachers
Tags: education, Mtthew Effect
The only reason not to reward the best and brightest for their achievements is to avoid punishing the rest for their shortcomings. I remember being pulled out of class in the 5th grade to study Pre-Algebra with a group of kids in the Academically Gifted Program (later changed to Talented And Gifted) and thinking that […]
May 10, 2013
Categories: Missions
Prices Cut for HPV Cervical Cancer Vaccines for Neediest – NYTimes.com.
April 29, 2013
Categories: Missions, Strategies
2012 Annual Report Ayiti Now Corp by Alex Lizzappi on Prezi.
April 5, 2013
Categories: Missions, Recipients
We believe education is a social equalizer – YouTube. Ayiti Now Corp believes education is a social equalizer for children of poverty in Haiti that are eager to learn and that illiteracy should not be an option. Ayiti Now Corp believes education nourishes democratic values. Ayiti Now Corp believes the effects of poverty should not […]
September 18, 2012
We made over 3700 textbooks distributions to children of poverty and Restaveks and invested in their teachers. A Very Special Thank You To Gen Herres And Steve & Carol Murphy For Developing A New Website