March 28, 2014
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, Education, Lessons, Missions
Tags: learning, personalize, testing
Guest Post by Liberty Elem. Personalized Learning Team, Liberty Elem. School, RUSD, CA Liberty Elementary’s vision is to become a landmark school that provides personalization while fostering every learner’s highest potential. Their mission was developed by all teachers: “Liberty exists to nurture and facilitate innovators’ individual passion for learning. Through voice, choice, pace and path, […]
November 9, 2013
Categories: Campaigns, Lessons, Missions, Recipients
Tags: HIV
See on – Teaching and testing Vocal artists “Jazzelle” and “Tref” donated their voices in this HIV and AIDS lesson from TeachAIDS, founded at Stanford University. TeachAIDS ( Alex Lizzappi‘s insight: Prevention of HIV: It Begins with Me See on
November 9, 2013
Categories: E-learning, Missions, Strategies
Tags: stem
In the olden days, we used to carry a bundle of textbooks to school. We needed to buy new books every year. They were spacious, expensive and difficult to carry to school and back home. Nowadays, the current educational system is trying to reduce the physical weight from the students’ shoulders by replacing textbooks with smart […]
October 18, 2013
Ayiti Now Corp was in Haiti during October 2013. The primary objective was to distribute the textbooks to the restavek recipients. As always I looked for new opportunities to serve the recipients of Ayiti Now Corp. Ayiti Now Corp visited USAID in Port Au Prince and met with the office dedicated to education. In short, it seemed they […]
August 5, 2013
Categories: Ayiti Now Corp, Missions
Alex Lizzappi‘s insight: This made my morning: Dear Alex, Hello!!! You are doing… #haiti #education #wise