We focus on impact, not numbers. We would rather transform the lives of 100 children than offer inadequate services to 1,000.
Understanding Restavek girls’ unique needs allows us to tailor our efforts for maximum effectiveness and efficiency.
Simply being aware of the Restavek system and the trauma it produces just isn’t enough. By lifting victims out of the system, we provide real hope and an opportunity for long-term economic security.
Our comprehensive approach addresses the root causes of problems faced by Restavek girls to achieve long-term, sustainable change.
We are preparing Restavek girls to become skilled and independent individuals by providing access to consulting services or customized technical advice for entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs; capital in-kind (e.g., inventory) for micro-entrepreneurs; intensive asset-specific training, and regular follow-up visits by an asset specialist and program officer; income generation training and follow-up technical expert advice; formal ownership and control of assets, to improve their productivity and economic security; access to markets and help overcome constraints in meeting demands of supply chains; access to electricity, financial and digital literacy; demand-oriented skills training for marketable skills, combined with on-the-job training and when possible wage subsidies; we want young women who can affect positive change in their communities.
We are on the ground and take full responsibility for the Restavek girls in our care. We are accountable to our donors and partners and make sure every dollar counts.