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Herz treading of the self granted license to discover the apexes of truths is cleverly using a pre-configured opinion thereby against and distant from catching an unpassionate or neutral or ethically speaking, an objective reading of the facts bringing to the surface the most intimate details of actually being Paul Farmer, the mission, the health care, the solution and the commitment to providing free access to medicine in the Haitian context. In comparison Herz has only few empty and insignificant intellectual postures with a personal agenda that are built upon his tactic of misusing an idea he is misappropriating ” the silence of our friends” as if this would be the parameter of the final judgement Herz is imparting. You might want from Farmer to wear costumes and fight battles that are on your script, and you might puzzle up your informed conjectures to stitch your idea of universal responsibilities that Farmer has but what really transpire is that you are failing to explain the actual facts you lined up in your show, the truths as underpinned gears of the dynamics you almost touched with the “money for silence” idea, which you only use to reinforce your affirmation and do not use to fully follow the money and see the deployment of his work. Can you remove Farmer from Haiti? Can we remove you from Haiti? Are you sure that your feces did not contaminated the ground and the water? do you know what was below the holes you made your droppings? “If I were to rank the top 5 interventions, to slow cholera…I would not put legal action before building a water system or treating Haitians.” Did you get your sewer story right? Are you sure he needs to talk for you? Are you sure he is the catalyst for minimum wages changes? Didn’t you read the cables and the legislative colonial frame concocted by lobbies once called “masters” buying the US congress? Why is Haiti a country where slavery is rampant? Would you be able to build and balance the extensive unparalleled health care access he has provided to Haiti with the truth you want him to fight for in your specific terms? I think you are too sure with a talent. Do you think that could get you killed in Haiti? if you were actually influential? politically speaking? intermingling with the course of “authority” and “power”? “On the second year anniversary [of the quake] I wrote what I had to say and I don’t really have any more to say.” Are you a child looking for attention from the big daddy?
See on www.haitisupportgroup.org