25 edtech terms connected educators should know – Daily Genius


If you’ve ever needed to become a connected educator by implementing a 1:1 solution using BYOD while flipping your PBL-based classroom, then you probably know the key edtech terms that exist today.

But if most of that first sentence was complete gibberish, then you’re in luck. Also, you’re not alone!

There is a lot of buzz surrounding education technology trends and terms. Many teachers are touting the benefits of various programs, curricula, and lessons that they’ve seen work in their classroom. Many more are promoting the usage of hardware like iPads and Chromebooks in the connected classroom.

But most educators and school leaders are not there yet. They’re spending the spare moments of their day just trying to catch up and stay as ‘in the know’ as possible.
Considering there is basically no free time for today’s teachers and you can see why it’s important to make things short, concise, and to the point. Are those three words basically synonyms? Why yes. Yes they are.

That’s because it’s extremely important you check out this handy visual that lays out the key edtech terms being thrown about online and in your school. Next time you’re in the teacher’s lounge, drop some of these terms on your colleagues and look like the smartest teacher in the room. It’s like being a student all over again!

This list from the folks at Getting Smart is by no means incomplete. What other terms would you add? Since trends are shifting and evolving every day, add your favorite current trends in the comments so others can learn alongside you!