The Role of Elite Haitian and Latin American Lobbyist Organizations in Washington D.C.

NGO’s not-so-charitable: The Role of Elite Haitian and Latin American Lobbyist Organizations in Washington D.C.

While thousands of non-governmental organizations have been set up to combat the problems in Haiti, some are said to be cashing-in on the country’s misfortune.

And many Washington-based groups operating in poor countries are in fact pushing their own agendas, all in the name of charity.

Washington DC: home of the president, the Congress and the 501(c)(3).

Call them think tanks, policy forums, institutes or NGOs – they are the alphabet soup of tax-exempt organizations that influence opinion, push policy agendas and lobby Washington.

Professor of the anthropology Adrienne Pine from American University says that  “this is something that some anthropologists and activists refer to as the ‘nonprofit industrial complex’.”